See What Sticks
30 Apr 2015So now that I've changed my blogging platform, I have something to blog about: my new blogging platform!
From the WordPress eXtended RSS file of the contents of my blog I found I had exported 3273 posts. Jekyll re-renders every post every time a change is made... on the default template it takes 3 minutes, but on the Lanyon template it ran over 20 minutes before I cancelled the build. That's why I started with only a few dozen posts.
I then changed my archive strategy, using yearly and monthly archives similar to what I had used with WordPress instead of the pagination used in Lanyon, and lo and behold the build took only 2.5 minutes. The disadvantage is that GitHub won't run the jekyll-archives plugin for me, so I have to render the site locally and push the rendered HTML to GitHub. I can live with that.
The next question was whether Google (and everyone else) could find the old links on the new site. Jekyll is able to use the same archives/:year/:month/:day/:title/
permalink stucture I was using before. But were all my links the same as before? Do they all still work? Well, that eXtended RSS file contains all the permalinks that WordPress had generated...
(Yes, that's a fake URL. My hoster timed out producing the eXtended RSS file so I had to use a local install.) I then ran the links through a shell script I found on Stack Exchange:
while read -ru 4 LINE; do
read -r REP < <(exec curl -IsS "$LINE" 2>&1)
echo "$LINE: $REP"
done 4< "$1"
And, indeed, all the links work. Whether the content still makes sense is another question, but PapaScott is back online in its entirety!